We offer training for building, analyzing, and tuning mathematical and constraint programming models in CPLEX and Gurobi. For Gurobi, we offer model building in the Gurobi python API and using the pyomo library. For CPLEX we train using the CPLEX python library, CPLEX studio, or pyomo. Time: 16-32 hours. Cost: $6,000-$12,000 ($300/hour).

We can build custom analytics solutions from scratch that help business leaders operationalize decisions and understand important tradeoffs when business conditions change. Time: 6-12 months. Cost: $150,000-$600,000 ($150-$250/hour).

If your model is running more slowly that you expect, we can analyze it to ensure it is doing what you expect to be doing, does not suffer from numerical instability, and has the best engine parameters. In the event you need to reformulate your model(s), we can create more efficient models to solve the problems. Time: 16-40 hours. Cost: $4,000-$10,000 ($250/hour).

Pre-pay for a fixed bag of consulting hours to be used as needed. This is a good option if your team prefers to build their own models, but ocassionally needs someone to supplement their work or if they hit a stumbling block. Time: Minimum 20 hours to use within a year. Cost: $4,500 ($225/hour).

We create predictions using machine learning models for time series analysis, classification, and sentiment analysis. Time: 3-6 months. Cost: $72,000-$192,000 ($150-200/hour).

A common impediment to advancing projects is missing data. We have a team of data scientists that can extract, clean, prepare, and transform your data sources so they can be used in your data science, machine learning, and optimization projects. Time: 1-3 months. Cost: $18,000-$60,000 ($125/hour-$150/hour).

Companies have competing high-value projects. They must decide between projects based on return and risk. We provide decision analysis support to identify the best projects and the best rollout strategies within those projects to improve decision quality. Time: 2-3 months. Cost: $96,000-$144,000 ($300/hour). We provide an abbreviated version of these services to support your decisions regarding our projects with you as part of our proposal process.

What value did the project deliver? Some projects deliver more value than expected while other analytics projects fail because the recommendations were not followed. We measure success in based on your KPIs and net present value. We explore the decisions behind these successes and failures and recommend steps to further improve results when needed/wanted and provide reports and metrics for management and investors to highlight the success of the project. Time: 2-4 weeks. Cost: $20,000-$40,000 ($250/hour).

We are value added resellers for IBM data and AI products (including CPLEX) and Gurobi. The cost depends on the size of the implementation in cores or sockets, the number of users, cloud or on-premise use, and whether multiple models will be using the engines are the major contributors to software costs. These costs figure into our “decide” service and are part of the proposal process.